
I got a new camera!

August 01, 2017

   Happy first of August! I really couldn't think of a better title except that one because that's basically all that I'm going to talk about in this very short post.

   So yeah, I got myself a new camera. I've been saving the allowances my parents have been giving me since I stopped working and voila! You see, I've been eyeing this particular model, the Fujifilm X-A10, since last year when it came out in December 2016. My first ever camera, a Canon Powershot SX420 IS, was a very reliable companion. I bought myself the Canon last November out of my own job earnings. I was actually already thinking of selling it for extra cash to buy the Fujifilm, but as the sentimental person that I am, I decided not to because it was my first ever camera and I was able to buy it on my own earnings. 

   Though it was only a compact camera, I was able to take lovely shots with the Canon. The only catch was the quality of the photos when lighting is low or bad. Then I got asked to take photographs of a mass and I was disappointed with the photos because it was blurry. I realized it wasn't good for motion either. So that's when I decided to invest in another camera, especially if I were to use it for actual events that have people moving and I wouldn't have to worry about the lighting either.

   I've had it for a week now and I've been practicing and learning the settings. I'm no expert in photography. I'm currently self-teaching myself by reading tutorials online. I'm planning to take actual classes though, but I'm still working on my schedule.

   Anyway, I'll be posting my photos mostly on my Tumblr gallery, so you can check it out there. :)

♥, Murgaloo

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