
Hello, I'm trying to be creative

February 11, 2018

   One of my greatest frustrations in life is that I was not able to hone the artist in me. My dad was a passionate artist when he was younger; he used to paint and sketch very well. I'm not sure why he stopped though. Anyway, I think I got this whole thing from him. The thing is, I'm not very good with hand art. When I was second year high school, I discovered the magic that is Photoshop and self-taught myself. Until now, several years later, I still use the program whenever I feel an itch of creativity.

   So yeap, I've been a Photoshop junkie since forever, but it always just ends up as a hobby. I even put up an Instagram account (2016-2017) for editing photos of my favorite celebrities, shows and movies. I've been inactive though because I had to focus on the harsh reality called life. I don't mind though, I just wish I had more free time to practice being more creative, even if it's not my desired career path. I'm content with it being a hobby.

   Recently, I thought of the idea of practicing calligraphy. Like I said, I suck at hand art, so I decided to think of something digitally. Again with the magic of Photoshop, I came up with a few designs not so long ago. This weekend, I decided to continue this new idea of mine and put together some sort of "portfolio" (that we may never know may come in handy one day). Here are some of the designs I've begun with:

   I'm still trying to come up with more ideas but basically these are just expressions of creativity. :) Hoping to make more in the future! You may find the rest here (is the name creative enough though? LOL) I've also added the link to my navigation so you can just view it from there.

   And another thing while I'm at it, I finally updated the look and content of my gallery of photographs, so you can also check it out here, and probably hire me for some gigs. Teehee.

♥, Murgaloo

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