Movie Review: Solo: A Star Wars Story
June 03, 2018![]() |
Photo via LucasFilm Ltd. |
Fun, exciting and unexpected. Three words sum up my review on Lucas Film and Disney's latest installment. Forget what the haters say -- Solo: A Star Wars Story was a film that achieved more than it was expected to.
Warning: may contain spoilers!
From the very beginning, people have already been either doubtful or undecided of the idea. Weirdly enough, after the success of Rogue One, it's like people wanted more spin-off Star Wars films that were out of the Skywalker family drama, yet they weren't so sure what to make of the news that the next spin-off would be the origin story of everyone's favorite scoundrel. I guess one of the major reasons was when they announced it, the original Han Solo just got himself killed off in The Force Awakens and fans were not having it. "Let him rest in peace!" they said. Honestly, even Harrison Ford was not having any of it either, he made that quite clear LOL.
So yes, at first I was also one of those who were not feeling the whole idea of Solo: A Star Wars Story yet. And it was apparent too: the studio probably thought it was going to be a flop as well because they only released the first trailer early in 2018, about five or four months before the release date. They barely had any promotional stuff during the 40th Anniversary of Star Wars Celebration! The fact that there was no usual hype surrounding a Star Wars film was really unusual. Barely anyone was anticipating this movie at all.
That was all however proved wrong. I admit that I was also mistaken by not hyping this film earlier. It is a Star Wars film after all.
Solo: A Star Wars Story was fun. Contrary to what was initially shown in the trailer, the movie was fun to watch. I especially loved all the scenes inside the Millennium Falcon; we finally saw the scene where the Falcon made the Kessel run in less than twelve parsecs! The visual effects of that scene was also amazing. It felt like I was in the Falcon too, like a 3D ride!
Much like every other Star Wars film, it was also exciting! Probably every scene with Lando, for example, was worth remembering. Donald Glover's take on the iconic smuggler gave the fans reason to name Lando as one of their favorite Star Wars characters. I for one enjoyed the gambling scenes; it was really funny - very reminiscent also of the original trilogy in many ways. It is a Star Wars film after all, so we can also always expect epic battles and lots of blasters shooting here and there, just minus the lightsabers. Also, just to note, I love how Alden Ehrenreich was able to get Han Solo's iconic pose when shooting. It worked perfectly if you ask me.
Aside from the thrilling visual effects and exciting scenes, the storyline was far from predictable. That's what makes it unexpected. Beforehand we already speculated that Emilia Clarke's Qi'ra (whom I love, btw) will eventually betray Alden Ehrenreich's Han Solo, but what we didn't know was why. Fans were shocked when the film revealed Qi'ra's true loyalties in the end lied with the fan favorite Sith Lord, Darth Maul. It also left us with more questions since Qi'ra was left alive at the end of the film. I think this was the biggest plot twist of the film, and the part that majority of the fans really enjoyed.
Ironically, fans also enjoyed the fact that we knew where Han and Chewie were going to next. We all know eventually he finds his way to Tatooine, will get tied up with Jabba the Hutt, and the rest is history. There was also an offer by Erin Kellyman's Enfys Nest to Han if he wanted to join them because they will be starting a rebellion. I don't know about you, but that gave me nostalgic feels. All these Easter eggs is what makes films like these all the more exciting. Besides, who doesn't get enough of Han and Chewie's friendship?
Honestly, just go and see the film if you haven't yet. It may have been poor on the marketing end, but it's worth your pocket's money. It's enjoyable and promising, much unlike what critics and butthurt fans are saying. Most of these guys don't like the idea of Disney making so much more Star Wars films but personally, I think it's a great idea because there's actually so much more to explore in the Star Wars universe. It doesn't just revolve around the Skywalkers or the Jedi. Give Solo: A Star Wars Story a chance and then get back to me if you still think the same way.
♥, Murgaloo
GIFs via LucasFilm Ltd. and Disney