
Things I can't get over from Infinity War, one month later

May 31, 2018

Image via Marvel Studios
   Okay folks, I know that it's been over a month since Avengers: Infinity War came out and it's been a mortal crime to leak any spoilers during those times -- I myself have been a victim of those who are so butthurt (and irresponsible) in avoiding spoilers. I mean come on, you don't want to get spoiled so don't go on social media! It's not rocket science? I was able to manage to stay off social media for three days since the premiere and I dodged spoilers like a bullet. 

   But that's not why I'm writing this post! I'm specifically writing this to, hmm celebrate? No, more like to question the Russos and Marvel as to why they hurt us this way yet we, ever-loyal fans, still beg for it. This is going to be lengthy but I'll try my best to keep it simple (I invested so much emotion -- and money!! -- towards this damn movie okay)

   So basically I'm just going to rank the top ten things that I still can't get over from Avengers: Infinity War. I know there's too many memorable lines and moments to mention, but I tried to sum it up the best I can.

10. Thor: Ragnarok was all for nothing
   One of the things I honestly can't stand with Infinity War was the fact that Thor saved his people from extinction and mended his broken relationship with his brother all in one day and in a span of at least 24 hours, all of that was destroyed by Thanos' invasion. All of that was for nothing. 

   I also can't believe Heimdall died just. like. that. He died because he saved the Hulk, and he knew that Thor would need Hulk alive back on Earth that's why he did it -- for his king and his best friend. Yet no one talks about his death so much. I'M SO HEARTBROKEN

   BUT there's a shimmer of hope -- it was quick for most to notice that  fan-favorite newbies Valkyire and Korg were not among the dead, at least visibly. They would have emphasized that because they clearly showed Heimdall's death, and he was just as important as Valkyrie and Korg as far as Thor: Ragnarok was concerned. It was also hinted by Thor that "half of his people" were slaughtered; which indirectly means that half survived. And I know, deep within my heart, and I hope the Russos won't destroy this silver lining, that Valkyrie and Korg are with those who survived and have already escaped before Thanos completely finished off the Asgardian ship.

9. Loki I died in the first five minutes
   Now talking about those who survived and those who didn't, one of the most unforgettable and unforgivable deaths was that of the god of mischief himself. Although it really wasn't rocket science: fans were quick to point out that Loki only had one scene in all of the promos and trailers that Marvel has released hence it was sure that he would easily die at that point in the film.

   I just didn't expect it too be that soon. Like I said, Thor just literally mended his relationship with his brother and then all too soon, that relationship comes to a short end. Come on, Loki didn't even reach the title!

   But, again, a glimmer of hope -- a really strong fan theory suspects that Loki isn't entirely dead. Yeah, we saw Thanos choke the life out of his lungs but prior to that, really observant fans noticed that Loki disappeared for a good two minutes when Hulk went one-on-one with Thanos. Where did he go then? Is it possible that he went with Valkyire, Korg and the others to escape? It could be. Another strong point to that theory notes that when Loki died, he didn't turn back into his natural blue Frost Giant self, which is supposed to be the case as it has been shown in previous Thor films. People speculate that the Loki that died was actually another one of his illusions and that the real Loki is still out there somewhere. Also it's not like Loki to just use a knife up against the Mad Titan, who already had two infinity stones at that moment. 

   Though of course it can also be possible that this theory is wrong and Loki stans are just really begging for Marvel to stop paying their favorite character dirt and trash.

8. Gamora and Peter finally said I love you to one another
   I was honestly never the biggest Star Lord/Gamora shipper until this movie. True, I really felt their chemistry more in Vol. 2 than Vol. 1 but it was in Infinity War that I realized that their love is genuine and has been slept on by fans for some time now.

   I think the best word to describe their relationship is truly sacrifice. Their love is selfless, and this says a lot considering Quill's ego and Gamora's cold heart based on how we first met them way back in Vol. 1. And at that moment when Gamora demanded Peter to kill her the moment Thanos gets hold of her, whatever happens, I just burst into crying. I never really felt for these characters until now?? That kind of character development is really beautiful and very relatable; kudos to the writing team and of course Chris Pratt and Zoe Saldana.

7. I can't believe Gamora died just like that!!
   Talking about Gamora... I just want to say I really, honestly, deeply hate Thanos. He killed his so-called "daughter", whom he claims he "loves" in order to get the Soul Stone. Though it may be a creative way (though some will not agree) to show the location of the Soul Stone, it was really painful to watch. The music was also incredibly painful to listen to. Like I said, I never thought I'd feel for these characters as I'm quite loyal to the OG Avengers, but Infinity War really brought out a lot of those feels. 

   And just to add, while we're on this scene, what the hell @ Red Skull!? I really screamed when he came on screen. That was a cameo I wasn't totally expecting at all. I think no one did. And though it was creepy (he's always been creepy to me in all honesty), I like how they inserted him as a vital part of the story. The location of the Soul Stone made more sense with his appearance. Again, very creative!

6. Please. Please stop blaming Peter Quill. I'm tired
   I've nearly lost friends because of this. Please guys. Come on. Remember that he's half-human, and he has feelings too just like you and me. And the love of his life literally just said she loves him before she gets kidnapped and eventually killed. Put yourself in his shoes. How would you feel?

   Also take note of his backstory: Peter Quill has been used to losing the most important people in his life (his mother, his father figure), watching them die before his eyes and not being able to do anything about it. This reaction that he showed in Infinity War where he loses it and attacks Thanos while the rest of the Avengers were trying to take off the Gauntlet just shows how relatable of a character he is. Star-Lord isn't my favorite character, but let's be reasonable here. Also didn't anyone notice that Tony or any one else didn't blame him? Nebula was there too and shared his pain, grief and anger. But of course Peter took it differently because as I mentioned, he has been losing everyone he cared about and couldn't do anything about it. It's called good writing and character development, people.

5. Thor is really the most powerful Avenger, change my mind
   Shame on me for not acknowledging this earlier. It's just, his character was so downgraded and was only a comic relief among the Avengers. I also found it unnecessary that he had to have a love interest in Jane Foster (though I love her as an individual character) in order to have a storyline.

   We all know this changed during Thor: Ragnarok, when Thor lost his hammer and the death of his father, Odin, made him realize that he was far stronger than what he was with his hammer. And Infinity War just proved that even more. Thor was able to literally outstand the power of a freaking star without dying. He just got a few bruises and burns but that was it. Of course we know he's a god, but putting that aside, the determination and the strength of the character itself is there. And take note, he was the only one who was actually able to hurt Thanos.

4. Scarlet Witch comes in second place as the most powerful Avenger, change my mind
   Let's talk about Scarlet Witch. She's literally been slept on or belittled since she was introduced in Age of Ultron and now people just see her as Vision's love interest (which I don't get, by the way, because it's apparently canon in the comics??). But people don't realize that her relationship with Vision was the essential point of her being one of the most powerful Avengers. That scene where Wanda had to personally destroy the Mind Stone, killing the love of her life along with it with one hand, and holding back Thanos, who had already five Infinity Stones all at the same time really broke me. Lizzie's acting was superb, you could feel Wanda's pain and her power at the same time.

   I also want to add that epic scene in the Battle of Wakanda when Wanda was able to shield Natasha and Okoye from the alien barrel things, Proxima Midnight actually gave the signal that "she's on the field" -- meaning they were afraid of Wanda, as she was previously by Vision and Shuri's side protecting them. But when she appeared on the field, that was their clear. She's that powerful, people. And of course I'm also going to add in that trio match-up of Wanda, Okoye and Natasha teaming up to kick Proxima Midnight's ass. That was just, phew, total display of girl power.

3. "New haircut?" "I see you copied my beard" / "I am Groot" "I am Steve Rogers"
   I can watch this scene ten thousand times and not get over it. Even as I type this now I can't help but giggle. The reunion scene of Cap and Thor was all levels of epic that I have to narrate it.

Cap: New haircut?
Thor: Notice you copied my beard.
Cap: =uwu=
Thor: Oh by the way, this is my friend, Tree.
Groot: I am Groot!
Cap: I am... Steve Rogers.


That's it. I cant' get over that scene and that's my explanation. That's basically my favorite scene in the entire movie, no kidding.


   I'll keep this short and simple: I DID NOT EXPECT ANY OF THAT TO HAPPEN. I WANT A REFUND.

   Special mention to Bucky for calling Steve as he asked for help and disappeared into ashes; to Okoye, the fiercest woman in Wakanda, losing her shit when her king disappeared in front of her eyes; to Sam, who disappeared thinking no one was looking for him, not knowing Rhodey was looking for him; and to freaking Peter Parker with his now iconic line, "Mr. Stark I don't feel so good...".


1. "Thanos will return."

   So here's my issue with this - duh, of course I know the ugly purple raisin will return in Avengers 4, but do I want him to, that's the question. I've honestly never hated a Marvel villain more than him. He literally tore all my favorite characters apart, inside and out. Gosh I hated him even more than Ultron, who was already a terrible villain.

   And he did all this for what? So he can rest. In the Philippines, of all places. No, we don't want you resting here. You killed half of my favorites, you don't deserve a rest! >:(


   Now as I've probably mentioned before, I've never read the comics, so everytime there's a new character introduced, I do a little research on them. Prior to Infinity War, there was already an announcement for Captain Marvel's appearance in the upcoming films so I already did my mini research on her. When they showed her logo in the post-credits scene, I got hyped as well! First of all, Brie Larson is an amazing actress (I love her in The Room) and she is totally going to kick ass as Carol Danvers! I can't wait for next year so she can kick Thanos' purple ass already!

   Anyway, in case you haven't noticed, Infinity War left me a wreck until now. These were just some of the things I remember the most because it really hit me that much. This was the first time I actually watched a film at the edge of my seat, not eating my popcorn while shaking and crying and shouting all at the same time. It was incredible, both in a good and bad (but funny) way. Marvel really did it this time.

   So! Another year before we find out how the Avengers will reassemble again -- probably for the last time. And I'm not ready to say goodbye to any of the original Avengers, not just Cap. I have no idea how I'll take that next year, but until then, I'll be curling up in my corner still traumatized by Infinity War.

♥, Murgaloo

GIFs courtesy of Marvel Studios

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