
Movie Review: Thor: Ragnarok, the Best Thor Movie Yet

November 05, 2017

   Last weekend, I went to see Thor: Ragnarok with my boyfriend. I think it's safe to post a movie review now since it already hit theaters almost everywhere this weekend. I had some friends who went to see it on opening day Tuesday and wow, all their reviews were so positive. It's the highest rated superhero movie ever on Rotten Tomatoes and possibly one of Marvel's best films ever (probably my second favorite next to Captain America: The Winter Soldier).

   Anyone who knows me (even on the surface) knows how much I love Captain America - literally everything about him - Chris Evans, his movies, his backstory, his love life. He's basically my favorite Avenger and superhero. But I really never expected that Thor would be my second favorite Avenger after watching the third installment of the Thor movies. It's honestly so fresh to watch on screen. I'll break down a few of my favorites from the movie. Warning: Spoilers ahead!

   I loved the plot. It was a refreshing take on Norse mythology, and if you're like me who's not so familiar with it, you probably would have been shocked AF when Odin told Thor and Loki that Hela was his first born. I was honestly blown by that fact. It gave way for the story to have an interesting path. I also loved how the devilish dude in the beginning of the movie ended up fulfilling the prophecy of Ragnarok by being the only way to defeat Hela. Damn. I was really blown away. And the writing was so well-done - there was something about the contrast between the colorful comedic world of Sakar and the dying embers of Asgard. Taika Waititi is a genius.

   Of course, the characters were the main reason why I loved the movie so much. I can't even rank who my most favorite is, because all of them were really just so awesome. However I just want to point out how freaking badass Valkyrie and Hela were in their own respective ways. First, Valkyrie. I LOVED her character so much. Tessa Thompson did a brilliant job portraying her; she gave the character so much attitude, it was amazing. She even rallied to portray Valkyrie as a bisexual character and if that isn't legendary, I don't know what is. Hela, on the other hand, is the first female villain of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and she is now my favorite MCU villain (sorry, Loki, still love ya though). Her evil intentions were actually realistic - she's the first born, duh, of course she'd want to take over the throne. It was just her manner of doing it haha. And besides, how can you go wrong? It's Cate freaking Blanchett! Oh and speaking of Loki, I just wanted to mention that he grew really hot?!?!?! I mean, I already knew Tom Hiddleston was hot before but I never appreciated Loki until this movie. You can really see how much of an ass he is and will always will be, but there's still a part of him that's good and that's admirable. As for Thor and Hulk, I love character development. Especially on Thor's part. It's about time they showed how powerful Thor really is!!! And that he's not just for comedic relief. I'm also soft for Bruce Banner forever, what a cutie. I also thought Dr. Strange's scene was seriously so funny, I love how they threw that in there. I also loved Korg!!! The dude made of rocks! He was just so funny and pure, I love him. Oh and fun fact: Director Taika Waititi voiced him, which makes the character like, 100x cooler.

   I think what the fans really loved about the movie is the fact that it was a mix of everything. It stayed true to Marvel's stereotype of comedy-type superhero films but mixed with just the right amount of medieval and mythological drama. The past Thor movies were so dramatic-cliche because it kept focusing on Thor's relationship with Jane Foster. Not that I didn't like Natalie Portman's character, but it was too overused and often times used as the central plot and it was annoying. Their love story overshadowed Thor's story and in effect his real powers were not established so much. This is a superhero movie, not a Nicholas Sparks film. I mean, it was finally refreshing to see a superhero fight alongside the opposite sex and not fall in love with her. They're just together because they have the same agenda, which is to kick ass and I think that's pretty cool. That's why people got tired of the Iron Man movies, especially the third installment, because again it was so focused on Tony and Pepper's relationship.

   Nevertheless, I think Thor: Ragnarok was an excellent movie. Brilliant, if I might say. It's now my second favorite MCU film and the best one of 2017. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 was okay, it was funny as well but not as this and I didn't even like Spider-Man: Homecoming so much, so yeah. It's that good. I must see it again soon (before Justice League takes over the cinemas on November 16!), and you should too, if you haven't! Or go see it a second or third or fourth time. Trust me, it's worth it.

*all GIFs © Marvel Studios

♥, Murgaloo

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