What Christmas Means to Me at 23

December 25, 2017

   Hello! It's the most wonderful time of the year! I'd just like to pass by to drop a personal little Christmas message and some realizations about the season as I get older. It will be short, I promise!

   Every year, everyone looks forward to the holiday season for one reason or another - school's out, time with family and friends, food, presents - at least that's how it is for me. As a kid, I would be really excited when December arrives, because naturally, school would be on break. But that was when I was a kid. As I grew older, reaching high school and college, I would look forward to parties and exchange gifts. It was still the same feeling anyway. December would be the most relaxing time of the year for me (aside from summer vacation).

   Everything changed when I started working. This was the first time ever that I was insanely busy. I'm not even exaggerating. Since December started, I haven't had any rest. On weekdays I'd be busy rendering overtime at work because we had to prepare gifts, and then attend about five parties the next day. Weekends were spent doing Christmas shopping because I'd already be too tired after work and this was my only free time to do so. This all went on for two straight weeks. Again, not exaggerating. 

   Christmas Eve came and over fatigue got the worst of me. I spent the few hours before midnight sleeping because I was not feeling well. I was not able to eat much of our Noche Buena (Christmas Eve dinner) and I had to open presents fast so I could go back to sleep. It was really a different experience and this was the first time that I probably had a not-so-memorable Christmas. I mean, it was okay, just nothing really extra special. 

   And alas, I go back to work tomorrow as if nothing happened!

   I guess I was just so used to being on vacation mode the moment December 1 flies in that my body and my mind haven't adjusted to this new scenario. And just like that, it hit me that oh wow, this is what normal, working adults do in December huh. This is boring as hell. Not to mention it's extremely tiring. :( I just really miss being a kid/a student and not giving a crap about anything except the food that I'll be feasting on the entire month.

   But, if there is one thing that brought me genuine joy this Christmas is seeing the faces of my loved ones opening the presents I gave them. It was so tiring to buy gifts, especially at the last minute and with the insane ant-like crowds at the mall, but it was worth it. I mean, the gifts were not expensive or anything fancy, but I made it a point to be able to give all those who meant something to me and those who made my year extra incredible. 

   Honestly, I didn't get anything I really loved and wished for this year (like a MacBook lol) but I realized that as I get older, it will no longer be about me, but about my loved ones. I realized the same thing on my 23rd birthday. I guess that's how it is when you become older - material things aren't much of any importance as to the time you spend with your loved ones. 

   Here's to hoping that you guys will have the same realization too! :) Merry Christmas to all, from me and my furry little family!  Also, enjoy some of my Christmas photos :D

♥, Murgaloo

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