Obligatory New Year's Post

January 15, 2019

   I know, I'm literally half a month late for my Obligatory New Year's Post but I've been super busy these past weeks. It's still January so it still counts, right? And this will be a quick post! Anyway, I've already posted a short summary of my 2018, and it's on my Instagram. But for the sake of posting and in the spirit of sharing, here it is:

   There will always be the good and the bad years for everyone. For me 2018 was probably both. It taught me a lot. I lost a huge part of my life this year, been turned down a lot too, but at the same time it gave me opportunities that I never even saw coming. I've learned to step out of my comfort zone more than I ever did before. On the other hand, I've also isolated myself more than ever (especially these last few weeks, I'm sorry to those who I forgot to reply to btw) whenever I felt the low days coming. So thank you, 2018, for not being in the best year category, but being a learning year. Not sure if that's a good thing but at least you're not in the worst year category. If there were grey areas for years, that's probably it. I'm just rambling at this point so I'll leave one of my favorite lyrics (from the movie If I Stay) - "Today is the greatest day I've ever known, can't live for tomorrow, tomorrow's much too long."

   I've had the weirdest year in 2018. I started out thinking it would have been one of the best years but it ended not as I expected. But on top of that, I've learned also a few things that I know will help me later on. So like I said in my Instagram post, 2018 is one of those grey areas; a learning year, so to speak. Most importantly it taught me to live in the present and not be too anxious of the future. It's a new and difficult concept for me but here we are.

   Anyway, I'll end by sharing a few of my goals this 2019 (these are realistic goals, mind you, not something cheesy and cliche)!
Travel more than I did last year
Write and maintain my bullet journal
Take more photos
Keep my online business going well
Be more positive
Read more books
Attend The 1975's concert in September

   These are the exact goals I wrote on my bullet journal, which I've recently begun doing. It's a lot of work but it's fun as I go. It also helps me keep up with my creativity. I highly recommend it as a new hobby this 2019!

   I also have a lot of other specific things to look forward to this year like movies like Captain Marvel, Avengers: Endgame and Star Wars: Episode XI, and planned trips like Singapore, Bacolod and a possible return to Hong Kong (that means Disneyland again!!). Lots of exciting things to look forward to in 2019 and I'm really excited; I hope yours is as exciting too!

♥, Murgaloo

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